Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Divine Appointments

Psalm 3:5; Romans 8:28-32
At times life's events seem random, uneventful and perhaps meaningless. Something that happened yesterday was not the case.

Allen and I were on our way out of Crawfordsville to go visit a church member who was in Indianapolis for heart complications. As we were pulling onto the on ramp for 74 Allen noticed some smoke behind the trees and had wondered what would be burning. As we circled on the ramp we noticed an INDOT worker's truck that seemed to have barreled a good distance over the ramp. One could see a flat tire, the front frame broken and steam rising from the hood. Allen asked if I could see anyone in the truck; he could not and thought perhaps someone had walked away from the accident already. However I thought I had seen what appeared to be the back of someone hunched over the center console so we pulled over while I got out to check out the vehicle.

Upon making my way down the embankment I confirmed that there was someone in the vehicle and that he was hunched over the center seat with his head near the passenger floor. As I called for an EMT I talked to the driver and over a couple of minutes he regained consciousness and sat up. His front windshield was completely cracked  and it looked like he had hit his head and maybe his arm. He confirmed he was okay, even when the officers arrived.

It had to have been quite an accident since the INDOT worker had driven from the exit ramp - over a small ditch and then again over the on ramp and down the embankment. We don't know how long he had been sitting there or how long it would have taken for someone to notice him if Allen had not seen the smoke. More interesting was the fact that Allen told me he never takes that route to Indy from where we had been - forgetting that there was a quicker road to take.

 It's neat to see the orchestration of events coming together. Sometimes we can't make sense of the messes we're in, but other times we can clearly comprehend God's providence.

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