Saturday, August 30, 2014

PEERS Update

Thanks to all who prayed for our PEERS presentations this week! They went really well. I was able to observe a couple groups and thought the students did a great job of teaching their younger peers about the dangers and consequences of falling into so many of the "traps" that popular culture endorses.

Here are a couple of pictures of my group presenting:

I had 6 teens in my group. We presented to two different 7th grade classes on Thursday. I was so proud of how much time and effort my group put into knowing their parts in order to present effectively! I know that our lesson - about the dangers and prevalence of STD's - while incredibly important, is also SO hard (and yes, even somewhat awkward) for high school students to present...and yet these teens were committed to doing it. It's so neat to see and hear how committed each of them is to making good choices.

The teens are encouraged to tell a story or explain WHY they are committed to avoiding drugs, alcohol, and premarital sex. One girl in my group explains that she has committed to making these choices because when she was about 10 years old, her 17-year-old brother died of a drug overdose, and she doesn't want to put her family through that again. It is powerful to hear their personal stories! I think it really helps make it real to the 7th graders as well.

Diane constantly is reminding me (and others) that the things that happen in our lives that draw (or drive!) us closer to the Lord are all parts of our story of grace - and it's so true. A few weeks ago, Chris preached on Romans 8:31-39 - and I so appreciated that reminder that there is no condemnation, the God from Whose love nothing can separate us is working all things for the good of those who love Him. It's all a part of our story of grace - the grace God has given us and works in our lives. I'm so thankful for teenagers who are willing to share parts of their stories in order to exhort and encourage students a few years younger who look up to them and so badly NEED someone to come alongside them, encourage them that making good choices is possible and so worth it. I really do love the PEERS program and curriculum!

I'm sure that I will give more updates on PEERS throughout this year; I believe I will be helping Diane at one other high school (Southmont) that doesn't do the full PEERS program but does as much as it's allowed, and we will also be presenting for three more days at North Montgomery in both the second and third trimesters.

Thanks again for your prayers!

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