Saturday, December 20, 2014

Family Photo Update....Just for Fun

Days Off
One day a week, we are supposed to take one full day off from visitation, sermon prep, teaching, etc, to spend as a family and engage in some leisure time. It's not the same day for us every week and it's hard to schedule ahead of time because you never know what's going to come up during the week or even during the day, so to be honest that's been one of the more difficult things for us to ensure gets done. Twice this fall, though, we were able to be intentional about spending part of a day as a family at Shades State Park (about 45 minutes away from us). It is a beautiful park, and we enjoyed the hiking.

The only way to hike with a baby: Babywearing!
Our family in shadows: Ronae wearing Charis,
Josiah in the middle, and Chris

Josiah and Chris

Yes, we do put a leash on our
strong-willed two-year-old.
It's for his safety - and he loves wearing
the cute doggy on his back :)

Daddy & Son

Twisted, fallen tree

Country road

Trivia: Waynetown, IN
In case you're ever on Jeopardy and you're asked to elaborate on Waynetown, Indiana's claim to fame, I've got your answer: William Bratton, who joined Lewis and Clark's expedition, is buried in the pioneer cemetery there.

I'm not sure I can express how thankful I am to have been placed here in Crawfordsville during this internship - for so many reasons. We are within easy driving distance of family (3 hours) which has been good especially this year as we have been able to travel back for two funerals - my Great Grandma Truitt's and Chris' Grandpa Cleland's - as well as for the birth of our niece Deliliah. We have said many times how thankful we are for our mentors and Liberty Chapel who are committed to building us up and training us. Another blessing that I have appreciated SO much during these first 6 months was having my sister, Rachel, close by at Purdue (45 min away). She has been able to come almost every weekend of her first semester, spending at least Saturday night and attending church with us on Sunday. I have loved being able to have her help with the kids and see them bond deeply with her. It's going to be really sad for us when she goes to Ireland next semester (in January) to study abroad! She should arrive here in a little bit for her last weekend here, and it's going to be very bittersweet knowing that next semester she won't be here visiting.

Rachel wearing Charis at church one Sunday

There is one thing I forgot to write about (or maybe I had tried to blot it from my memory...) when I wrote my "excuse" for not having updated our blog in so long: A moment of Josiah-destruction which resulted from a lapse of Mommy judgment on my part. I knew he was too quiet for too long, and instead of checking on him, I assumed he was sitting in his room reading a book. BIG MISTAKE. Here was the result:

In case you can't tell, yes, there are about 15 keys missing from my keyboard in this picture. I had intended to write a blog update later that day (in November), but was prevented from doing so due to inability to type. This cost me a 2-hour round trip to the nearest Office Depot (in Lafayette) and $10 for a tech guy to repair it in 15 minutes. Lesson learned: Never, NEVER just assume your toddler is innocently reading in his room!!!!!

Oh, he can be pretty cute sometimes too:
"Playing" the piano at church
(Photo credit goes to Rachel)
In front of our house

Reading next to Daddy

Charis is getting bigger every week, and is the sweetheart to balance Josiah's wild toddler-ness.
Photo credit: Life's Blessings by Ronica

Photo credit: Life's Blessings by Ronica

Photo credit: Life's Blessings by Ronica

Family Pictures: Because I Can.
One weekend my mom and her family came to visit, and I'm so glad she took the time to take these gorgeous pictures of our family! The first two were taken at our church and the last one in our yard at the house.

Photo credit: Life's Blessings by Ronica

Photo credit: Life's Blessings by Ronica

These two love each other so much!!! - Though apparently
Josiah wasn't thrilled about laying on the ground, haha
Photo credit: 
Life's Blessings by Ronica

Hope you enjoyed the pics - now I need to go clean my house before Rachel gets here! :)
Christmas pictures coming soon (now that I got the fall ones out of the way)......

***Whoops....Accidentally posted under Chris' name. Oh well, pretty sure everyone can figure out this was Ronae and not Chris... :)

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