Saturday, May 2, 2015

Almost Home!

Since we have some free time before our flight this evening, we wanted to post one more quick update.
(For anyone trying to figure out how I've been able to complete 3 blog posts in the last week even with a super full schedule, let's just say it MAY have something to do with not having had a busy, ornery toddler to keep my eye on... Not naming any names of course! :P)

Ready for the Commissioning Chapel service Thursday evening
Our flight back to Indiana leaves tonight at 11:55pm (Oregon time), and we arrive in Chicago about 5:45am (Chicago time). It's about a 3-hour flight, but we gain 3 hours in coming - so it will probably be a pretty sleepless night for us!

Babywearing: How we 've survived this week

Last night, we had a cookout with the staff and other candidates, followed by individual final interviews. Since we've been in an internship and technically completed our interview before beginning, we didn't have the pressure of a final interview. (Yay!) 

Last Hurrah: The Men's Table
The Women's Table

As we wait to be taken to the airport, we've been hanging out here in the VM Headquarters building in Dallas; the headquarters is in the downstairs portion of a house, and the second story is furnished to be a living space (bedrooms/kitchen/etc) for missionaries traveling through town, staff from out of town, candidates at candidate school, etc. We had thought we'd be waiting at the airport all day for our flight, so we were very thankful when they offered to let us hang out here while we wait - it's much more conducive to being productive and also to that baby getting good naps! :)

Went on a walk - Look at those mountains on the horizon!
You don't see those in Indiana!
Tired baby!
We had a short meeting this morning with Mike Jones, the Assistant Director of Village Missions, reviewing our internship and talking about our next steps.

It does sound like we will be moving pretty soon. One recommendation of Village Missions is that missionaries take a week of vacation before moving to their first field, because during that first year it's not recommended that they take a vacation as they will be busy trying to build relationships in the church and in the community. We will be taking our vacation in Fort Wayne Tuesday, May 12 through Monday, May 18. We are waiting to hear from our District Representative, and hope to be able to post more information in the next week or so!

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