Sunday, January 15, 2017

Contenders Discipleship Initiative (CDI)

In a recent newsletter, we promised to share a blog post detailing Village Missions' Contenders Discipleship Initiative (CDI) program. This program sponsored by Village Missions is used by many churches in the US and Canada (both Village Missions churches and non-VM churches) and by several groups and individuals around the world. We were interested in the program when we heard about it upon joining VM, and have enjoyed having the opportunity to experience it directly through our involvement at Valley Community Church.

Jude 5 says:
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.
Village Missions' Contenders Discipleship Initiative (CDI) is designed to help do just that - equipping believers to contend for their faith in Christ. Their website says that "[CDI] is a two-year program offered by Village Missions to equip Christians for ministry within their local church and to prepare those who are called for full-time ministry as missionary pastors."

It's a tuition-free Bible college education that involves a Biblical education and being mentored for ministry. The Biblical component is made up of six courses and the mentoring is done by a pastor or mentor. Successful completion of the CDI program satisfies the educational requirements of Village Missions for missionary applications. Although the program is designed to prepare a believer for ministry, it is not solely beneficial to believers who feel called to full-time ministry - in fact, the majority of people who take the classes are laypeople who want to go deeper in their walk with Christ and to be better able to contend for their faith in a culture that is ever more hostile to the Gospel.

The six courses include Bibliology ("How to Study the Bible"); Christian Doctrine; New Testament;  Old Testament; Church History; and Evangelism, Teaching, and Preaching.

Several churches have used this program in their local churches and have seen great turnout and participation. What's neat about the program is its flexibility for individual and/or local church use. For example, although the program has been designed to be taught at a rate of two nights per week, two hours per class for two years (one course at a time; three classes each year), any local church can schedule their class how they see fit. Valley Community Church, for instance, has roughly 20 people going through the Bibliology class right now and is only having an hour-long class each Sunday evening. On top of that, every other Sunday is a review and discussion of the previous class. Although this is a much slower pace than the program originally intended, it is tailored to best fit this congregation; the schedule and extra discussion is the most helpful format for this church.

Believers and church members from all over the country (and several in other countries) have been excited about this unique opportunity to be trained and equipped to serve as well as having a deeper understanding of their Bible and how to study it for themselves.

If you know anyone who might be interested in this program, feel free to ask us questions or check out the CDI website at

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