Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Charis Anastasia

Today at 4:27pm God welcomed the fourth addition to the Cleland family into this world. For those wondering how to pronounce her name it's "Care-iss Anna-st-asia". Both are greek words. The first means grace and the second means resurrection. Charis measured 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 7lb. 11oz. She has plently of dark brown hair and what appears to be blue eyes (for now of course).

Ronae's labor began sometime around 3:00pm on Tuesday. Her contractions became much stronger and closer together around midnight that night. We headed to Dupont hospital (Fort Wayne) around 4:00am when we thought that it was a good time to get heading. (We had hoped to labor at home for awhile). Long story short we spent several hours laboring at the hospital. Ronae experienced a lot of hard labor that produced very little  progress. After having her water broken and receiving an epidural near the end we were able to see progress in the final stages. She had been hoping to have a natural delivery with no medication (as she had with Josiah). However, much unlike Ronae's comparatively easy deliver with Josiah - Charis proved to be more challenging.

And yet here we are blessed with a second child that we entrust to the Lord's care as we commit to bring her up in the nuture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4). We hope to see her flourish in the strength of her femininity and the honor that is earned in her role that God has "graced" her with.

Charis has been very alert and a very good eater for Ronae so far

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