Sunday, October 5, 2014

Heavy Hearts; Joyful Souls

I am getting on to write only briefly requesting your prayers.

Amber Sparks
On Friday (October 3), Amber Sparks - the daughter-in-law of Allen and Diane - left this earth to be with the Lord. We are not sad for her, for we know that she is now feeling joy like she has never known before; but we are grieving alongside those who were close to her on this earth and now must continue on in life without her beside them. 

Amber was a wife, a daughter, a sister, an active member of Liberty Chapel, a friend, and a kindergarten teacher. Last March Amber was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer; she was declared to be "in remission" only a couple months ago. She had not been feeling well for the last couple of weeks, but just thought her body was having a hard time with some of her medication. Last week she was admitted into the hospital, only to be told that her cancer had returned. We did not know until Friday morning how very grave her situation was; and by Friday afternoon, she was gone. Her passing was incredibly sudden and very unexpected.

We ask for your prayers for Jon, Amber's husband (Allen and Diane's son). He and Amber had been married for about 3 1/2 years. Words cannot express the sorrow we feel alongside him at the loss of his wife.

We also ask you to pray for the Powers family (Amber's parents and siblings). Her sister's wedding was yesterday. I can't imagine the pain and sadness that many struggled with on what should have been a purely joyous occasion. 

Pray for her students, past and present. For many of them, this may be the first person they have truly known who has died; that, I'm sure, can be a scary thing to children who are so young.

Pray that Liberty Chapel, as the Body of Christ, would come alongside the Sparks and Powers families, grieving alongside them and offering comfort. Pray that God would use what seems to be in our eyes such a tragedy for good - as He promises (Romans 8:28). 

Pray above all that many would come to Christ because of Jon and Amber's witness, as even to the end they put their trust in the Father.

Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Amber Sparks:
The viewing will be on Thursday, and the funeral Friday

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