Monday, March 6, 2017

Looking Back With Thankfulness

Hey, two blog posts in a week! That just might be a record around here! (We appreciate your willingness to stick with us even if we're a bit slow on updates sometimes...) 😉

In my last post I tried to share at least enough "recent" events to catch us up to the New Year, but that still puts this blog three months behind or so... So here's a really speedy drive-by picture of some of the highlights from the least couple of months before we delve into sharing about where we're headed from here...

Ladies' Missionary Circle
I haven't been able to make it to many of these meetings unfortunately, but I have enjoyed what I've been to! I have loved getting to know these ladies and their hearts for serving others, whether making blankets for the local pregnancy center or sending love and encouragement to the sick or hospitalized from our church.
Ok, I'll admit it: This was taken at Christmas time (rather than in 2017)...But it's the most current photo I had!

Game Night
In January, our church hosted a game night. Contrary to Josiah's hope, there were no "running games"; it was mostly board games. (Much more my style than anything involving running! 😅)
Apparently Sequence is a popular game; I think 3 families ended up bringing it...

Chris, competitive? What makes you say so?!? Ok, maybe just a little...! 😄
This kid sleeps as hard as he plays 😉 The game night might have gone a little too late Josiah, who conked out in the middle of the hallway before the night was over!

Pregnancy Solutions & Services
I have really enjoyed volunteering at PSS as a Client Advocate and also teaching a couple of classes there one evening a week. I have learned so much that I hope to be able to use wherever the Lord takes us!
Wall of Life 💗 Ultrasound pictures of the babies whose moms have chosen LIFE

On our last week of Pregnancy Care & Infant Care classes, the women received credits to spend at Emma's Closet (PSS's baby boutique); baby blankets and diaper bags stuffed with supplies; and certificates for completing the classes. I was so proud of the women who completed these classes; although many are facing tough situations, they have committed to doing the best that they can to care for themselves and their babies. 💕

As part of the "graduation" celebration, each woman decorated a frame for her baby.

Teen Bowling Night
The youth of the church and their families came together for a fun bowling event. It's so fun seeing them bring friends and being able to get to know their families as well! Although there is certainly a time for age- and gender-specific groups in churches to get together to learn, there is also much benefit in encouraging families to spend time together and grow together.
Our kiddos also loved the bowling experience!

Even Sovereign had a blast! 😊

Chris has been preaching a series on discipleship which have been greatly encouraging. If interested, you can listen by going to Valley Community Church's website.

Ladies' Prayer Meetings
After the CryOut! simulcast that we hosted in September, a woman from VCC felt it on her heart to continue meeting regularly with other women to pray for our church, our nation, our world, and individual needs. I think I can speak for everyone in saying that this has been such a wonderful and sweet encouragement to all of the women who have been attending! We usually meet for the hour before the Sunday evening service, and it really has been a wonderful time of drawing near to the Lord together to call on His name on behalf of so many needs close to our hearts. I praise the Lord for these faithful women and what an encouragement they have been to me!

The Body of Christ
Speaking of encouragement: I honestly don't think I can sufficiently express how much this time at VCC has meant to our family. We have been so greatly encouraged by Mark and Donna, as well as the rest of the Body here. I think of Philemon 7: "Your love has given [us] great joy and encouragement, because you, brother[s], have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people." 💖 We are so thankful the the Lord placed us here, even if only for a short time!
After CDI on Sunday evenings, there are usually several people that go to Wendy's to continue discussion and fellowship. Chris and I have enjoyed taking turns going one at a time while the other goes home to get the kids to bed.

On a visit last August when Sovereign was just a tiny thing!

I have appreciated the helpers in each church we've been in who readily give me a hand with the kiddos while Chris is in the pulpit; somehow when we came to VCC we stumbled into a pew with Mr. Joe on the end, and the kids have been fighting about who gets the privilege of sitting next to him ever since 😉

Iowa State University: College Visit (OK, Maybe More of a Sister Visit...)
I (Ronae) was thrilled to have the opportunity mid-February to catch a ride with my mom and stepdad to Iowa State University for a couple of days to visit my sister, Rachel, who is a vet student there. (Chris stayed behind continuing to work here.)

We got a special private tour of the vet school

Don't touch the skeletons! They bite! (Just kidding...)
 We loved getting a chance to attend the church on Sunday morning that has been such an encouragement to my sister. The people there were so welcoming and have really embraced Rachel! 💓

Sisters 💗

Couldn't resist the opportunity for a pic with my kiddos on such a lovely Sunday afternoon!
 Rachel took us to a nearby lake where the kids were able to run around, chase bubbles, and enjoy the sunset.

 We headed home on the morning of my mom's birthday.
 I am convinced that the Lord protected us on our way home: On the expressway (traveling at 70mph), a semi ahead of us threw up a tire. The vehicle next to us didn't see us and swerved into our lane. In an effort to avoid certain collision, my stepdad Jack (who drove semis for many years and is excellent at handling vehicles) got our SUV out of that vehicle's path just in time - but we ended up driving off the road and down the bank next to the road. Despite the high speed and steep/deep/muddy bank, my stepdad was able to miraculously keep our SUV upright; I think we were all sure at one point that the truck was going to roll. The Lord had His hand on us, though, and we were able to get back up out of the bank completely unharmed. The truck was covered in mud up to the headlights; mud even got in under the door seals and caked the entirety of the surface under the hood. Every time I think about other ways that could have played out (if someone else had been driving; if Jack hadn't reacted so quickly and the other car had hit us; if out truck had rolled), I honestly can't believe that we were all okay apart from the hand of God. (And poor Chris: He was on the phone with me when we initially began swerving and the last thing he heard before the call cut out was me shouting, "WRECK!!!" I was able to text him with shaking hands a couple minutes later when the drama was over and the car was stopped, but I'm pretty sure that was one of the most nerve-wracking moments of his life - knowing his whole family was in that car!) I am so thankful that we all arrived back home safely!

Confession: I truly intended to post more of an update about the next Adventures in CleLand tonight, but... the baby is crying and it's late and I need to go to bed. Will you all forgive me if I post this now and promise to post a follow-up tomorrow or Wednesday? I hope so, because that's what I'm gonna do... Much love to you all! Thanks for your patience! 😘

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