Thursday, October 9, 2014

Welcome, Baby Deliliah! / Missions Trips, Conferences, and Worship Band

Deliliah Nygeria
The past couple of weeks have been a flurry of activity and it's been hard to find time to sit down and blog, but we don't want to overlook the new life God has brought into our family!

Last Monday, September 29, around 8:30 a.m., Chris' sister Anna gave birth to Deliliah Nygeria. In Hebrew "Delilah" means Delight; and Nygeria was the name of her father, Dupree's, sister who died as an infant.

The birth went incredibly well, Anna was amazing, and Deliliah - though born 3 weeks early - was healthy and happy. She was 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and 18 1/4 inches long.

 Anna and Deliliah are now home and doing great!

Dominican Republic Missions Trip
Liberty Chapel will be organizing a missions trip to the Dominican Republic this coming spring. A couple at our church, Fred and Janet, have a son and daughter-in-law who are missionaries there: Jared and Stephanie Clements.

Taken from Shepherd's Staff Mission Facilitators' website:
Jared and Stephanie Clements live and serve in the mountains of Barahona, Dominican Republic. They assist with a child sponsorship program that blesses over 250 impoverished children monthly. Jared also leads and teaches a growing church, Capilla del Calvario de Barahona.

In preparation for the trip, women from the church have been working hard to sew dresses (pillowcase-style) and shorts to give to children in need. A couple of weeks ago, about 10 women (including myself) worked on this for 6 hours at the church, and we have another Saturday work day coming up in a couple weeks.

In that one day, we finished over 30 dresses:

When I say "we", I include myself because I was there. I helped where I could. but let's be honest - I have no real knowledge of sewing! Some of the women were kind enough to give me some basic lessons and practice in working a sewing machine. Maybe next time I can be of a little more help! :)

Chris: Worship Band
Much to Chris' dismay, the worship leader at our church recently learned of Chris' musical interest and his on-again, off-again dabbling in guitar, bass guitar, and trumpet. Since the bass guitarist was going to be out of town last Sunday, they asked Chris if he would mind stepping in.

I think that even if he doesn't play every Sunday, he will at least be attending the weekly practices. One of the requirements Village Missions has of us this year is that we (or at least one of us) get experience in leading worship. I'm so glad Chris is getting that covered for us. :)

True Woman Conference
My ride just got here; Charis and I are off to attend the True Woman conference in Indy. Pray for safe travels and growth for all!

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